Friday, May 10, 2013

Breaking the ice

Here first blog post on this thing! It's strange; the more time you have on your hands, the less will you have to do anything productive. So although I have had a plenitude of free time, I seemingly haven't had the right kind of time to post on here. Here's an amalgam of what I've been up to in the first week!

I got back on Saturday morning and we stopped by Flushing, New York (Chinatown) right after. Yummy Chinese food! The next morning, having napped for five hours and slept for another eight, Nicole and I climbed Sleeping Giant, the local big hill/small mountain that looks like a sleeping man lying down on his back from far away. Nicole and my dad are on this walking/healthcraze thing right now and have hiked the mountain many, many times. She knew all the paths back to front. I felt kind of stupid just following her. The views were amazing! At times we were actually climbing - not walking - climbing up rock faces to get to the top.

Taking a rest at the top!

Sleeping Giant used to be a huge rock there were a lot of unfinished rock gorges.

My trailblazing sister

The view from my hammock in my backyard!  I read many of my books here :)
 The other exciting thing that happened was one of my good friends came home. Gabby is the only one of my friends I'll see before leaving for China, which is sad, but at least we caught up with each other! I helped her do some shopping...Here are some of my favorite outfits we tried on at F21.

Shameless selfies

I strangely LOVE this outfit. 

Everyone's reaction when they see this photo: "YOU WOULD EMILY"

You can't see but my boobs are mashed flat against my chest. More a sports bra than a bustier.
That's all! I also bought 2.5 yards of fabric to make my own dress because I was bored. I spent like 10 hours sewing it by hand, finished it, and then had to fix it which messed it up more, so I've given up for today. I will keep you updated...Arian is supposed to come back tonight, but he missd his first flight because he slept through it (typical) and his second one is delayed due to low fuel :( Hopefully I'll see him for more than two days...

1 comment:

  1. Em, you would. Lol dying over you in that red jumpsuit thing!!!
